- Setup a continuous integration for Sitecore with TDS - TFS 2013 and Octopus - Architecture
- Setup a continuous integration for Sitecore with TDS - TFS 2013 and Octopus - Step 1: Customize the TFS workflow
- Setup a continuous integration for Sitecore with TDS - TFS 2013 and Octopus - Step 2: Configure TFS
- Setup a continuous integration for Sitecore with TDS - TFS 2013 and Octopus - Step 3: Configure octopus
- The build number who appear in TFS
- The assemblies files
- The nuget packages
- The octopus versions
- Change the "Build number format" into the section "5. Advanced" of the TFS build definition by: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:1MMdd)$(Rev:.r). Be carefull with this number format. You can see that I have use 1MMdd and not YYYYMMdd as it is by default. The reason of that is that the Assembly number must between 0 and 65535. So you have a solution for the next 6 year by changing the 1 by another number :)
- Add a file .ps1 anywhere in the sources with the following content and do a check-in in TFS
- In the section 2.5 "Pre-build script path", refer to the powershell file you have created.
- In the section 2.5 "Pre-build script arguments", put the following value "-assemblyVersion 1.1.J.B -fileAssemblyVersion 1.1.J.B -nugetVersion 1.1.J.B". This mean that the powersell will replace the .J.B of the different files (assembly, assemblyVersion, nuget) by the same numbers as the build number of TFS
param ( [string]$assemblyVersion, [string]$fileAssemblyVersion, [string]$nugetVersion ) #Update the AssemblyInfo.cs and the .nuspec file to replace the X.X.J.B version number by the correct one depending of the number from TFS function Update-SourceVersion { param ( [string]$SrcPath, [string]$assemblyVersion, [string]$fileAssemblyVersion, [string]$nugetVersion ) $buildNumber = $env:TF_BUILD_BUILDNUMBER Write-Host "env:TF_BUILD_BUILDNUMBER: $buildNumber" if ($buildNumber -eq $null) { $buildIncrementalNumber = 0 } else { $splitted = $buildNumber.Split('.') $buildIncrementalNumber = $splitted[$splitted.Length - 1] } if ($fileAssemblyVersion -eq "") { $fileAssemblyVersion = $assemblyVersion } Write-Host "Executing Update-SourceVersion in path $SrcPath, Version is $assemblyVersion and File Version is $fileAssemblyVersion" $AllVersionFiles = Get-ChildItem $SrcPath AssemblyInfo.cs -recurse $jdate = Get-Date -format 1MMdd Write-Host "Infos: jdate: $jdate, buildIncrementalNumber: $buildIncrementalNumber" $assemblyVersion = $assemblyVersion.Replace("J", $jdate).Replace("B", $buildIncrementalNumber) $fileAssemblyVersion = $fileAssemblyVersion.Replace("J", $jdate).Replace("B", $buildIncrementalNumber) Write-Host "Transformed Assembly Version is $assemblyVersion and Transformed File Version is $fileAssemblyVersion" foreach ($file in $AllVersionFiles) { Write-Host "Modifying file " + $file.FullName #save the file for restore $backFile = $file.FullName + "._ORI" $tempFile = $file.FullName + ".tmp" Copy-Item $file.FullName $backFile #now load all content of the original file and rewrite modified to the same file Get-Content $file.FullName | %{$_ -replace 'AssemblyVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)', "AssemblyVersion(""$assemblyVersion"")" } | %{$_ -replace 'AssemblyFileVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)', "AssemblyFileVersion(""$fileAssemblyVersion"")" } > $tempFile Move-Item $tempFile $file.FullName -force } $nugetVersion = $nugetVersion.Replace("J", $jdate).Replace("B", $buildIncrementalNumber) Write-Host "Transformed Nuspec Version is $nugetVersion" $AllNugetFiles = Get-ChildItem $SrcPath *.nuspec -recurse $replaceExp = '<file src="$1" target="$2.' + $nugetVersion + '.update" />' foreach ($file in $AllNugetFiles) { Write-Host "Modifying file " + $file.FullName #save the file for restore $backFile = $file.FullName + "._ORI" $tempFile = $file.FullName + ".tmp" Copy-Item $file.FullName $backFile #now load all content of the original file and rewrite modified to the same file Get-Content $file.FullName | %{$_ -replace '<version>[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}</version>', "<version>$nugetVersion</version>" } | %{$_ -replace '<file src="(.*NationalLottery\.DeHub\..*)" target="(.*)\.[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*|J|B)){1,3}.update" />', $replaceExp } > $tempFile Move-Item $tempFile $file.FullName -force } } Write-Host "Running Pre Build Scripts" $scriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $scriptRootBuildFunctions = "$scriptRoot\TFSUtils.psm1" Write-Host "Script root: $scriptRootBuildFunctions" if ($assemblyVersion -eq "") { $assemblyVersion = "" $fileAssemblyVersion = "1.1.J.B" } $srcPath = "$scriptRoot/../" Update-SourceVersion $srcPath $assemblyVersion $fileAssemblyVersion $nugetVersion
If you use the script to create and deploy the Octopus packages as describe in the previous post, don't forget to complete the "Post-build script arguments" to "-releaseVersion 1.1.J.B" to use the same versioning system and having this number as release number in Octopus.
Ok that is it now. I hope that this tutorial will help you in your deployment process.
You also have a video presented to the Sitecore Virtual User Group who could be useful for it here: http://sitecoreug.org/events/January
Here is the index of all the post who compose this tutorial:
- Setup a continuous integration for Sitecore with TDS - TFS 2013 and Octopus - Architecture
- Setup a continuous integration for Sitecore with TDS - TFS 2013 and Octopus - Step 1: Customize the TFS workflow
- Setup a continuous integration for Sitecore with TDS - TFS 2013 and Octopus - Step 2: Configure TFS
- Setup a continuous integration for Sitecore with TDS - TFS 2013 and Octopus - Step 3: Configure octopus
- Setup a continuous integration for Sitecore with TDS - TFS 2013 and Octopus - Step 4: Align the version number
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