January 3, 2011

Sitecore Visual Studio Templates

I have just found some templates for visual studio with all the think you can create for sitecore in the project http://trac.sitecore.net/SitecoreStuff

To install them you may:
  • download the project: http://trac.sitecore.net/SitecoreStuff 
  • unzip it 
  • Open the folder "Visual Studio Templates"
  • Modify the install2008.cmd file if you have visual studio 2010 (if you use VS2008 it is already ok)
  • Execute it
  • Restart Visual Studio
    • Install Sitecore Rocks (Thank you Lars Nielsen for this tips)
    Now you should have something like this when you add a item in visual studio:

    Thank you the creators of those templates!


    1. These templates plus more are also availible when you have installed Sitecore Rocks in your VS.NET 2010.

    2. Ok thank you for this tips I have completed my post with your remark
